PlanetiQ intends to establish a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that will provide over 8 million global observations per day at no cost to research and education users. This unprecedented supply of atmospheric and ionospheric data will:
- Establish a long-term climate record based on GPS Radio Occultation, the most accurate measure of temperature
- Greatly enhance climate monitoring, climate change detection, and testing of climate models
- Advance research in weather forecasting and space weather monitoring and prediction
- Encourage research to improve the impact of GPS Radio Occultation data on forecasts
- Empower faculty and students with high-quality data and support research on additional uses for the data
The Foundation will be managed by an executive director who will oversee a board of science, technology and research experts . The Foundation board will set the standards for granting data to the research community and review applications, and will help guide future innovations in sensor design and data products based on input from research users in the academic, public and private sectors.
For more information, please contact us at